Amazon KDP vs. KDP Select
Amazon provides two programs for writers to publish and sell their books on Amazon: KDP and KDP Select. KDP stands for Kindle Direct Publishing. What are the differences between KDP and KDP Select? Which program should you use?
KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) is a program that lets writers publish and sell print and electronic versions of their books on Amazon. If you plan to sell your book on Amazon, you should use KDP to make the most money on each book sale on Amazon.
Can you sell your book at other stores if you use KDP? Yes, you can.
KDP Select
The KDP Select program applies only to ebooks. If you put your book on KDP Select, the book becomes part of Kindle Unlimited. Kindle Unlimited is the ebook equivalent of Netflix. People pay a monthly subscription that lets them read any ebook that is part of KDP Select.
The upside of being part of KDP Select is more people have a chance of reading your book. Kindle Unlimited customers can read your book and don’t have to decide whether or not to buy your book. You get royalties based on the number of Kindle Unlimited subscribers that read your book.
The downside of KDP Select is you can’t sell your ebook at places other than Amazon. You can sell print versions of your book at other stores.
In summary when you enroll in KDP Select, the following happens:
- Your ebook becomes part of Kindle Unlimited.
- Amazon is the only place you can sell your ebook.
- You can sell print versions of your book at other places.
Should You Choose KDP or KDP Select?
Do you want to sell your ebooks at places besides Amazon?
If the answer is Yes, choose KDP because KDP Select forbids selling ebooks at other stores.
If the answer is No, choose KDP Select. You can make extra money when Kindle Unlimited subscribers read your book.
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