Bartleby Quick Start Guide
Creating a New Book
On Mac a new book should be created when you launch Bartleby. You can also choose File > New to create a new book.
On iOS tap the Create Document item to create a new book.
Entering a Book Title and Author
Click or tap the Metadata button in the toolbar.
A sheet opens to enter the book’s title, author, and unique identifier. If you have an ISBN number for your book, use that as the unique identifier. Click or tap the Done button when you’re done to save the title and author.
Choosing a Book Cover
Click or tap the Metadata button in the toolbar.
A sheet opens. Click or tap the Choose Cover File button to choose the cover image file. Click or tap the Done button when you’re done to save the cover.
Renaming a Chapter
On Mac select a chapter from the chapter list. Press the Return key. Type the new chapter name.
On iOS tap the Edit button above the chapter list. Tap on the chapter to change its name.
Adding a Chapter
Click or tap the Add button below the chapter list.
On Mac the new chapter appears below the selected chapter. On iOS the new chapter appears at the end of the list. Tap the Edit button to move the chapter to the desired location in the chapter list.
Removing a Chapter
On Mac select the chapter to remove and press the Delete key.
On iOS tap the Edit button above the chapter list. Tap the Delete button next to the chapter you want to remove.
Empty chapters do not appear in the published book so you shouldn’t have to remove chapters often.
Reordering Chapters
On Mac select a chapter from the chapter list and drag it to the desired position in the chapter list.
On iOS tap the Edit button above the chapter list. Next to each chapter is a button with three horizontal lines. Tap the button and drag the chapter to the desired position in the chapter list.
Entering Text
Select a chapter to show its contents in the text view. Type in the text view.
Changing the Look of the Text Editor
Select a theme from the Editor Theme menu.
Remember the editor theme setting applies only to Bartleby’s text editor. The editor theme has no effect on your published books.
Tagging Text
Select the text you want to tag and choose a tag from the Tags menu.
Text is initially set to be body text (paragraph) so you don’t have to tag every paragraph in your book. Tag only things like chapter titles and section headings.
If you accidentally choose the wrong type of tag, remove the markup text using the text view.
You can also use Markdown syntax to tag text. For code blocks, the Markdown syntax of indenting the code block does not work. Enter three backticks in a line above and below the code block.
Creating Lists
Start a line with an asterisk and a space to create an unordered list.
* Apples
* Bananas
* Coconuts
* Grapes
Start a line with a number and a dot to create an ordered list.
1. First
2. Second
3. Third
Previewing a Book
Click or tap the Preview button in the toolbar. On Mac you can also choose Book > Preview.
A sheet opens with a list of chapters on the left and a preview on the right. Select a chapter from the list to preview that chapter’s contents.
Publishing a Book
Click or tap the Publish the button in the toolbar. On Mac you can also choose Book > Publish. A panel will open for you to choose a name for your book and a location to save it.
Adding Images
Start by importing images to the book.
- Click or tap the Import button at the bottom of the image browser.
- Choose the images you want to add in the Open panel.
- Click the Open button.
After importing an image, you can insert it in your book.
- Select the chapter where you want to insert the image.
- Click or tap on the location in the chapter text where the image should appear.
- If you have alt text for the image, select it in the text view.
- Select the image from the list in the image browser.
- Click or tap the Insert button.
- Tap the Done button on iOS.
The new image should look like similar to the following in the chapter text:
To add alt text to the image for people with impaired vision, add the alt text inside the square brackets.
![Image Description](ImageName.png)